
The Scoop on Florida Speeding Laws and Penalties

by sem on August 21, 2013

Florida Speeding Laws and Penalties

Florida speeding laws are strict – and for good reason. The state is well known for its street and drag racing history, so set rules are in place to curb this kind of behavior – and speeding in general – while driving on public roads. Still, no matter what traffic laws are in place, drivers find ways to break them. And in the process, points are added to their driving record, insurance premiums tick upward, and more accidents happen because of their reckless behavior.

Taking Stock of Speeding Laws

The state’s basic speed rule is simple: No one shall drive their vehicle at speeds that are greater than reasonable. And, drivers must be cautious behind the wheel at all times no matter what conditions they’re driving in. It’s pretty straightforward stuff. Drivers must also keep in mind the following statutory speed limits whenever they’re in gear:

  • 70 mph on limited access highways
  • 55 mph in all locations except as noted
  • 30 mph in business and residence districts
  • 20 mph in school zones

If drivers stick to these rules, there’s really nothing to worry about. A good part of the whole driving experience is rooted in responsibility. You’ve heard the saying, “There’s no need to speed.” Pay attention to that one, and let it be you’re mantra whenever you’re in the driver’s seat. It’ll save you from getting pulled over by a police officer, cited and fined.

Fines Vary by County

Speed demons with no regard for speed limit laws are bound to take a hit for their actions. And, it’s important to know that the penalties involved are often steep.  It’s also good to know that fines vary by county. For example, driving 6-9 mph over the speed limit in Orange County costs you around $129.00, while in Miami-Dade County the same violation is a whopping $151.00.

Plus, each traffic violation has a predetermined number of associated points attached to it. This is what really affects your driving record since points increase you insurance premiums, and racking up a lot of them in a short period of time often leads to a suspended license or permanent revocation. What’s more, you’ll have your license suspended if you accumulate the following points:

  • 12 points within 12 months
  • 18 points within 18 months
  • 24 points within 36 months

As you can see, there’s no reward attached to the risks involved with speeding.

Slow Down and Drive Safely

The best way to avoid fines and penalties associated with speeding laws in Florida is to curb your need for speed. Give yourself plenty of time to get wherever you’re going. If you have trouble keeping a punctual schedule each day, leave your home early if you must in order to arrive on time. And, unless you’re a drag strip devotee or a track racing weekend warrior, don’t race others public roads. Why go through all the trouble that’s involved with speeding and reckless driving just to get somewhere faster or prove point that your ride’s superior. But if you just can’t resist the urge to push the needle on your speedometer past what’s legally allowed and get busted by the police, you always have the option to keep your driving record in good standing by taking a traffic school course at

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